# Map

After installation, registration and plugged the component you can use <yandex-map> and work with a map. All parameters of the map are set via attributes. You can use map-was-initialized event to get an access to map instance (opens new window) for work directly with YandexMap API (opens new window). Link to the map instance will be transmitted as payload of event.

You can assign a class to parent element of map via attribute ymap-class. If this attribute is not specified the element will be assign an attribute style="width: 100%; height: 100%;".

All markers are added to the map via GeoObjectCollection by default, but if there is a huge count of markers, the map rendering will take a lof of time even when markers grouping to clusters. In this case, it is recommended to use ObjectManager and assign the attribute of map useObjectManager, but then you lose the opportunity to listen events by each marker.

The attributes coords, bounds and zoom are observable. The map is react if these attributes are changing.

# Events

Event name Payload
map-was-initialized Link to map instance
actionend map event

# Attributes

Attribute Type Description
settings Object Settings of map. API Key, language and version.
coords Array Map center coordinates. [ lat, lng ]. May use with .sync. Required
map-events Array Native events, which map emits. If not provided, map will be emit all events, from section Events
zoom Number Zoom map value (from 0 to 19). May use with .sync. Default: 18.
bounds Array Coordinates of the left bottom and right top corners of the map. If defined, coords and center are ignored. May use with .sync.
cluster-options (opens new window) Object An object where the keys are the names of the clusters, and the values are the objects of options these clusters. In options you can point field layout (type String) for HTML template for balloonItemContentLayout, field clusterIconContentLayout (type String) for cluster icon customization and field clusterBalloonLayout (type String) for cluster balloon customization: Custom Balloon example (opens new window). There is also createCluster field for overriding default creating cluster function (field use-object-manager have to be turned off).
cluster-callbacks Object An object where the keys are the names of the clusters, and the values are the objects of events these clusters, e.g. { clusterName: { click: function() {...}, contextmenu: anotherFunction } }
behaviors (opens new window) Array Array of connected map behaviors. All other values are considered off.
controls (opens new window) Array Array of connected map controls. All other values are considered offth.
detailed-controls Object An object where the keys are the elements of map control, and the values are the objects of element settings. Designed for fine setting of control elements.
map-type String Map type. Valid values: map, satellite, hybrid. Default: map.
scroll-zoom Boolean Set false to disable map zoom on the page when you are scrolling. Default: true
placemarks Array of Objects Deprecated. Use marker component
use-object-manager Boolean Set true for use Object Manager. Used if there is huge count of markers on the map. Default: false
object-manager-clusterize Boolean Clustering with Object Manager. Default: true
ymap-class String Defines class for element, where rendering the map instance. If the attribute is not defined, the element uses style: width: 100%; height: 100%;
init-without-markers Boolean Set to false for prevent init and render map if there are no markers on the map. Default: true
show-all-markers Boolean Set to true to initialize map with all markers inside map bounds. Default: false
use-html-in-layout Boolean Set to true to define balloon properties as html. Default: false
options (opens new window) Object Map options.
balloon-component Vue Component Allow to use Vue Component as balloon. Need to activate runtimeCompiler (opens new window). Vue 2 only